Monday, February 23, 2009

MORE Stuff that Makes Sense!!!!

I see some people are being offered prayers instead of actual money during this crisis. To be honest I can't believe they never thought of this before; as the party of Jesus, why haven't they been doing this the whole time? "I'm cutting your job, but praying for you! Hooraaaaaaaayy!!" I think it's a great idea. I mean, who the fuck is more powerful and helpful than God?

CORRECT ANSWER: NO one, dickhead!!!!

Let's both go to the store - me with $2, and you with a pocketful of prayers, and see who comes out with a loaf of bread. Who would win??? I have no idea; I'm absolutely shitting myself wondering!


Nerdhappy said...

I dont know man, I think a loaf of bread is $3.

Kiko Jones said...

$1.59 at 7-11.

Seriously, my old man--RIP--was a big proponent of the power of prayer, but this is just plain insulting and mean-spirited. I think people of faith should be APPALLED by this sorta thing. I mean really, we won't help you, but are prayers are with you? Yes, it's the Christian thing to do.


And then they wonder why people get turned-off by religion.

Nerdhappy said...

@Kiko... and turned off by Republicans too!