Saturday, February 21, 2009

A-Rod, IV

My favorite part of our collective "all he has to do is apologize and we'll move on" crap we always say in these situations is that it's a complete lie. As in we've spent the past 4 days analyzing every word A-Rod said, his body language, and we're trying to read his mind. "I believe this, I don't believe that," blah blah blah. He's getting bashed 10x worse on his press conference than on actually using steroids. No matter what it's never enough, and everybody's an expert on the human psyche all of a sudden - maybe MLB can have Bush come and look A-Rod in his eyes to see his soul?


Derek Jeter needs to shut up. All week he's been whining re: steroids being a distraction, and that it shines a bad light on the hundreds of players who didn't do 'roids. Which is funny, cause I would think that if there's one person who might've been listened had he stood up and said something to, you know, MLB and the Union, it would be Jeter. But I got a feeling I know EXACTLY what he said all these years: nada, zilch, zippo. So quit whining to the press about it now (and get your ass in center field!!!!)


Nerdhappy said...

Sticking up for ARod and dissing Jeter? You got it all wrong son!

Kiko Jones said...

Oh, but if Jeter ends up being on the list of the infamous 104...

Kiko Jones said...

Here's an interesting piece I thought you'd like to read:

In it someone states that deep down fans, media, etc. may have more of a problem with the stars/potential HOFers' usage vs the Pettittes/Giambis/Rincons/Romeros of the sport, making a case for why the news of the latter using is treated mostly with a shrug.

My favorite among some choice quotes in the piece (and which also echoes my own recent post on the matter):

As for my feelings, the entire story has reaffirmed my faith in the ignorance and pettiness of about 90% of the people who cover the game for a living. (ESPN’s Keith Law)