Monday, February 09, 2009


While I agree that it's the only tact for him to take if he is guilty, people who think A-Rod owning up to his mistake and apologizing will result in quick forgiveness like with Pettitte or even slow forgiveness and acceptance like Giambi are crazy. First of all, there's a huge segment that just hate A-Rod and have been salivating for this day for years. Plus, A-Rod is something Pettitte and Giambi are not: non-Caucasion. I know it's 2009, but I promise that's gonna play a part in how long it takes for him to have any forgive and forget from the fans.


Tricia said...

Plax and I can really relate to this.

Kiko Jones said...

I would like to think that Pettite was forgiven because of the goodwill his 4 WS championships w/the NYY have earned him and not the color of his skin. It might be wishful thinking, of course.

Nerdhappy said...

Who said I forgave Pettitte?

Here's my forgiveness (brace yourself!):

Xmastime said...

no NH, noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed, and it's nearly enough to turn one into an A-rod supporter. Madden and Klapish are going to hang themselves with their own jizzrags when Jeter's name is revealed.