Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stimulus in VA? No Thanks, Assholes!!!

Yesterday I wrote "someone needs to explain to me at what point stamping your feet on the floor and pouting while demanding to be a big part of the conversation just for the sake of having your voice heard makes more sense than pushing a bill that could actually help the very people whose vote you're gonna be competing for soon."

Then today while cruising my "hometown" paper I see this little gem.

Which again would make me think the GOP is more interested in posturing and antics and getting on tv than either creating a good bill or implementing it in their own state.

Then again, I may be wrong - it looks like Gov Kaine has opened the conversation up to everybody, and there's a website wherein one can send in ideas re: what to do with the stimulus money. And the first few comments under the article announcing it read

1) Give it all back!
2) This is a trick, don't tell them what you want!
3) Give it all back!
4) Hi! I live in the woods!
5) Don't tell them what we need - it's a trick!! If they give us a bunch of jobs all the Mexicans will move in!!!!
6) Hi! Sttiiiiiiiiiilll in the woods!
7) Beep beep!
8) The Intimidater 1951-2001 RIP Dale
9) Give it all back!

So. Once again, I may be slipping into the mistake of thinking people have brains.

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