Thursday, February 05, 2009

This Shit Didn't Happen When Bush Was Prez!!!!!!!!!

I've written a few times recently about it looking like the Republicans have no interest in working to get shit done with the Democrats, but can only hope to fuck things up enough to somehow come thru some weird other side and back into power. But not even in my wildest paranoia did I ever think it would ever come to their crazed obstructionist blinders leading them to take pointers from, TA-DA!!....the Taliban.


Seriously, my Republican friends - can you at least admit that this is embarrassing? A little bit? No?

So, it's OUT with Joe 6-Pack and his annoying need for a job, and IN with the Taliban! Xmas likes!! Where can I find a newsletter to subscribe to????


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you made me add 2 hits to ThinkProgress' "Progressive Thinkers Thinking Progressively" coffers. What chowderheads!

And Xmas, I can't believe you are using the patented "If you aren't fer us, you are agin the whole USA, galldoggit" move that modern Republicans practically invented. Failing to cowtow to Obama is not opposing "getting shit done." See, e.g., your Dem buddies who stamped their feet and held their breath at every Republican bill for the past 8 years. It's politics based on diametrically opposed egomaniacs butting their inflated heads. Obama's wasteful stimulus package which only stimulates the Dem's need to have government infused in every segment of our lives is worth debate, argument and reformation. YORF

Xmastime said...

look where every Republican bill for the past 8 years has gotten us. maybe we didn't huff and puff enough, actually?

and please reserve the epithet "chowderheads" for whom it belongs: asshole Red Sox fans.