Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week One

I was a little bummed this morning at the gym to find out I've only lost 8 lbs. I don't know what I was expecting - maybe for the scale to go off casino style, followed by a call from the President? "Wow!! You've broken the record for most weight loss ever in one week!!! Would you like to come live at the White House??!?!!!!"

But the again, tho I went to the gym four times in that stretch, I did eat my face off; including Sat/Sun/Mon when I didn't do anything BUT eat my face off and get shizzled on Budweiser. So once I tighten up the screws a little re: eating, and don't go three days in a row without hitting the gym I'll be fine. And hell, 8lbs in one week means that by GrizzaDay I'll have lost 180lbs!! Which would put me back at my 1st grade weight, which would be awesome. Then I could finally follow through on this promise:

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