Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Since I'm a normal human, of course I am in strong support of limiting executive pay for bail-out companies to $400,000.

However, since I am on Planet Earth, and see that the average pay for these dudes was $14M, I'm guessing the odds of this going through are hovering in the 0% to "same as Xmastime banging the Olsen twins in the next 5 minutes" range. I'm guessing that since their current salary is 35x higher than the proposed one, they might "find a way" to grease the skids to making sure this doesn't happen. Or of course they'll simply leave.

Then again, the way these motherfuckers have helped run the economy into the ground and are shooting thousands of employees through a pneumatic tube into the unemployment office, would it necessarily be a bad thing if they left? Is this Obama's way of cleaning house? I'm guessing that if you posted under job listings "Run Hewlett-Packard for $400K a year," you might actually get some of the country's brightest, youngest minds scrambling for it. I don't know anyone who makes $400K/year, but there are a handful of people I know that if thrown in a job like that could succeed as well as anyone making 35x as much. Especially weighed against the odds of someone staying in a job that requires they makes 35x LESS money than before.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Wont they just find a workaround? Like take home $400K in salary, but hey look at that! $14 Million in Stock Options!