Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bernie Madoff

Are we really supposed to get any satisfaction from Bernie Madoff getting sentenced to 150 years in jail?

After spending the last few decades living as a billionaire, he will live out his last few years in what I'm sure will be a thinly veiled country club "prison." He will live better than a lot of the people he screwed over.

Also, this nonsense about "turn him loose to the mob that he screwed over!!" stuff is laughable. We're talking about old, mostly white investors who prolly went to legacy private schools like UR (sorry Trav!) You could put Madoff in the middle of Central Park holding a sign saying "The Police Won't See a Thing!" and none of those pussies would do shit.

I think the only punishment big enough for him is forcing him to go on the upcoming Guns n Roses tour as Axl's body man. Hell, if that doesn't make him truly regret what he did then fuck it, send him back to Wall Street cause then he really would be Satan. Yeesh.

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