Friday, March 27, 2009

Can't Hardly Wait

Is there anything more thrilling than awaiting the Republican Budget Alternative? I mean, what will these wizards come up with THIS time? Tax cuts for the rich? Tax cuts for the SUPER-rich? Oh wait, I got it - all the poor people send their money to Bill Gates, who puts it through a shredder. Whatever the poor people can tape back together, they can keep! Thank you, Mr. Gates!

This is like waiting for Christmas to come, isn't it? Will Santa bring me a horsey carved out of wood, or wood carved into the shape of a horsey? Man. Exciting. Whatever they come up with, it will be pretty fucking fresh.


The Gnat said...

That's right. Only the rich and super-rich demand and receive the government's services, so let's bilk them for all they got. Any cut to anybody is a start. And your Santa lives at 1600 Penn. Ave. YORF.

Xmastime said...

EVERYBODY should demand and receive services. my point is until you come up with a 2nd idea, nobody cares.

hey, look how long it took you guys to go from one book (the bible) to a second (atlas shrugged.) hey, there's hope! someone will come up with something one of these years! :)