Saturday, March 21, 2009

CD is Right AGAIN (Shocker!)

When times in this country get really tough, sometimes the only man I feel I can turn to is, of course, Charlie Daniels. Charlie it turns out is pissed that Congress feigns outrage over the AIG bonuses, and only Charlie can gently guide us back to what is REALLY killing this country and sending us on a road to becoming France 2.0: pork.
It makes me sick to see members of Congress preening and posing in their holier than thou act, knowing all the time they have robbed the American people of far more with their selfish pork grabbing.

And before you get all snotty re: Charlie doesn't know what he's talking about, here's a question for you: have you heard a snappy little country/pop hit called The Devil Went Down to Georgia? Of course you have; even Stephen Hawking can blink out a few lines of it. And guess what? Charlie has never heard any of your songs. Never heard 'em, doesn't even know they exist. Ergo Pythagoreus tells us that Charlie IS better than you, and you should prolly just shut the fuck up and listen.

Tho I am disappointed Charlie hasn't come up with a newer, wittier way to say pork. We've heard porkulus, and porkapalooza. Charlie's a writer, couldn't he have come up with porkstock, or porkonthemountainrunboyrun? Congressinthebreadpanpickingoutpork? Hell, I ain't the writer, Charlie is. He'll come up with something!!

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