Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Check out me & GodIHateYourBand's slices.

For the record: we were absolutely shitfaced, and really did only have 30/15/8 seconds to make our picks (including typing.) Though I would like to officially switch out Soul Asylum's Grave Dancer's Union (which I don't love) for their next record, Let Your Dim Light Shine (which I do love.)

Also, is it just me or is there something beautifully refreshing about picking your own album? Even wasted I am amazing?


Nerdhappy said...

I'm only good with the 80s stuff, but all of these could have made the list:

The Cure, The Head on the Door
The Smiths, The Queen is Dead
U2, The Unforgettable Fire
Depeche Mode, Black Celebration
The Alarm, Strength
REM, Fables of the Reconstruction

Xmastime said...

i love it, but Fables is prolly only my 4th fave REM slice of the 80s :)