Sunday, March 15, 2009


This post over at GodIHateYourBand reminds me of what's so fucking frustrating about the goddam Stones: their eschewing of a huge number of songs from their catalog that are great but they never play live, instead "rocking us" with Start Me Up/Brown Sugar/Midnight Rambler/Satisfaction over and over and fucking over. A great song like As Tears Go By, which is better than any of the above (save maybe Satisfaction if one hasn't heard it 10 million tiomes already), is "embarrassing" to them. Probably cause they forgot they had even recorded it 40 years ago. But they're always fucking proud to kick off every show with fucking Start Me Up. Ugh. I wouldn't pay to see the Stones in my own kitchen unless I could write the set list. I'd rather see a cover band that specialized in playing all the great Stones songs the Stones never fucking play casue they hafta give us Jumpin Jack Flash another 50,000 times.

Also: GIHYB has to get over his life-long Sister Ray obsession. Dude. It's just a shitty mess.

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