Friday, March 13, 2009

Have I LIved Too Long?

The other night after practice, during which I embarrassed my band mates and made them cry from my repeated fret-born facials, I was packing up my shit and then met the rest of the guys down the hall where they were talking to a guy from one of the other bands in the building.

Now, one thing about having a rehearsal space in a building filled with other bands is that I hate all the other bands. As I walk down the hall and hear them playing I chortle at what synch-playing fops they are. And even more than their music, I assume they’re complete douchebags. Just cause I’m a nice guy, I guess. Bruce could be practicing, and I'd roll my eyes while walking by. "Fags."

Now, turns out they guy they were talking to was a very nice guy. I’m a little too drunk to bother slapping him around verbally, so I just stand there mute with lids half-mast, a la Op on a summer Sunday night n the back of the Nest.

Then one of my guys asked what kind of music dude’s band played, and the guy answered with “emo.”

“Emo”? Really? I didn’t think emo was something bands actually used to describe their own music; I thought it was something music critics saddled you with - as in “emo” = “twee, does not rock.”

Wtf. Am I just old? Emo. Ugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. You don't say emo and you dont' say "alt-country," etc. There are by-the-book journalists' titles for your music and then there is what you admit to being. I would just say "good" if asked. And if I had a band.