Friday, March 06, 2009

I'm a Fucking Idiot - Where's MY Money????

More Stewart vs CNBC HERE.

Number One, I wish I had come up with Stewart's "if I had started with $100 million" line. Dammit! But secondly, the great thing about all this is that Cramer, and everyone else who have gotten every possible thing wrong time and time again over the past few years, will merely get richer and richer. We'll keep staring at them on tv as they spew asinine shit that loses us money but lines their coffers again and again. It's just a fact, and one that reminds me of this post from over a year ago:
Bud Selig sits back for years and lets steroids destroy baseball, and gets rewarded with a contract extension. CEO after CEO gets a huge golden parachute after LOWERING company revenue and downsizing thousands of jobs. Bush was re-elected. Seriously, has there ever been a better time to be Homer fucking Simpson in this country?

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