Saturday, March 07, 2009

I'm Funnier than Ayn Rand

Speaking of Atlas Shrugged, which I can't believe I'm doing, I must say I find it interesting that while GOP congressmen whined and cried that the 1000-page stimulus package was too big for them to bother reading, they apparently have the time for slow-jerking each other off while reading the 1000-page Atlas Shrugged. And of course by "interesting," I mean "gay."

MORE AYN RAND: I just remembered I had mentioned her back in November with this little gem, and I must say I'm patting myself on my funny bone - "that's not chocolate"!!!??!?!! Fucking christ, I'm dynamite. Sigh. How can you people stand it - was I created by an alien government to be the funniest mofo on Earth? Fucking seriously.

1 comment:

andtheend. said...

A.S. is one of those "throw across the room halfway through" books.