Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Shocked It Took Them Three Days

Hmm. Now THIS is strange.
According to former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, the man most responsible for the stock market’s climb last week was…President Bush.

Oh, I when the economy was tanking, the Right was desperate to pin it on Obama; but now that there's a sliver of GOOD news, it's all because of Bush. Hmm. Gee, if only there's someone who could've seen this coming - if only there was a handsome blogger who could've DREAMED that the GOP would be so stupid so as to quickly pounce "oh, this? THIS? Oh, yeah, that's cause Bush was so AWESOME!" and think that people who don't own Rush Limburgerwithcheesebutinsteadofcheesemakeittenpoundsoflardanddeepfryitinmeltedfriedchicken bobblehead dolls would believe them. Who amongst us mere mortals could ever DREAM these people could be so transparently stupid??

Oh, yeah. THIS GUY.

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