Monday, March 02, 2009

Joe the Happening!!

This article does a succinct job of wrapping Joe the Plumber up for what he is: an image propagated by the right, when in fact nobody really gives a shit what he has to say. Any right-wing friend you have will at this time try to say "hey, Joe is the average blue collar American, he stands for us!!!" Which is complete nonsense cause if he came up to anyone at a party and tried to sound like he knew more about anything than they did they would laugh him out of the hunt club. It's all about WHAT Joe is, not what he has to say or offer.

Which made me think of the What's Happening!! episode where Shirley gets hired by the balloon company, but it turns out nobody cares about her ideas cause she's only there for WHAT she is.

Ladies and gentleman - "Nothing Personal" from season 2 of What's Happening!!!! (picture me backing away from your screen, sweeping arm towards the show and slowly dimming the lights before slipping out of your house with all of your Bacos)

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