Monday, March 16, 2009

Marriage - Can't Wait!

After dedicating the weekend to studying the blog True Wife Confessions, I have come up with what I believe to be a compendium of what pretty much every married woman wants to say to her husband. This will be very useful should I ever actually meet a real woman.

Sometime when I look at you I just want to slap you so hard in your face.
The yard looks like shit and the house is about to fall in.
Once we got cable, our sex life went to shit
Sometimes I think the only way we'd have sex would be if I cut your hands off.
Yes, I experimented many, many years ago.
Most people question if you are gay.
Just an FYI: don't be alarmed if you come home to an empty house or your shit out in the yard.
Get a job, seriously.
I want a divorce for Christmas.
I said I would remain faithful but I’m slowly changing my mind.
I absolutely hate you.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

The antidote for you, perhaps: