Saturday, March 21, 2009

McCain: Right As Always (tho Anyone Else Surprised This Wasn't Twittered?)

The "Maverick" is telling peeps to get off Tim Geithner's ass:
Tim Geithner, the embattled US Treasury secretary, should be given a chance to succeed, says John McCain, the former presidential candidate, who is the first prominent Republican to speak up in Mr Geithner’s defense amid growing calls for his resignation.

McCain is of course correct to ask for some patience. Hell, Bush was probably the best president we'll ever have in our lifetime, and it took him a couple of YEARS to completely obliterate the huge surplus he had been given, so it seems only fair to give Geithner the same amount of time to do the opposite. Kudos for McCain - is there a level of class this gentleman can not attain?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kudos, Mr. McCain. That sounds like a true bipartisan comment. It is good that one candidate meant it when he said it, not just exploited its meaning to the gullible. YORF.