Sunday, March 08, 2009

Might Be Time to Put Rush in His Place

Everybody else is eye-rolling the absurdity of Obama sitting down for a debate with Rush Limburgerwithextracheesefuckitjustmeltthecheeseandtuckitundermyskinthankyouverymuch, but I say fuck it, he should do it. He should meet with Rush, BEAMING with delight...and then, as Rush starts blathering, Obama should look more and more confused, and completely lost re: what Rush is saying until he is finally forced to say "Look, there's been a big mistake...I thought I was going to a debate about nutritional fast food, things like food costs and how we can help average Americans eat...I'm sorry, I saw a picture of you and I thought I was meeting with this guy." Then walk out, high fives all around, BOOO-YAH!!!!! :)

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