Sunday, March 22, 2009

More Buddy Holly

I did a little digging around to hear more about the Buddy Holly Phone Call, and found this bit here:
After this phone call Buddy went to Brunswick Records and re-recorded those songs his way - one being That'll Be The Day. Decca went to sue but one funny thing happened. Decca owned Brunswick. Buddy won, and was rather savvy in the process. I won't go into the entire session Buddy had with Decca but this phone call sums it up. I was pleased to know it was rather hard to find a photo of Paul Cohen anywhere on the net, I actually just found this one. Fortunately for Buddy (and for all of us) it's a priceless few moments of who Buddy really was - especially in the face of a guy like Paul Cohen. I was quickly reminded all over again why I'm such a fan.

and even more details HERE:
"I love that Buddy plays the role of the polite dumb hillbilly while in truth being smart enough to be recording the entire conversation."

If you don't like Buddy Holly, then I don't like you.

Would like to know what the songs other than That'll Be the Day were.

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