Monday, March 02, 2009

My Parents' Jobs

My dad worked homicides for the FBI, and no matter how hard we tried to ply info out of him at home about whatever case he was working on, we never got nuthin. He'd merely growl "That's police business" and that was that. Since I'm the gossipy equivalent of a 7th-grade girl, I could never have that job - as soon as I'm through the door I'd be squealing to anybody and everybody "OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhh, guess who might've killed his wife and her latin lover??!??!?!!?!?!?!?!"

Then again, that'd be the same reason I could never have the same job as my mother, a small-town librarian. I'd be blathering to everybody "So...guess who just checked out Living with an Alcoholic???!!!!???!!!!!"

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