Monday, March 16, 2009

Sigh. Gettin Old.

I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or what, but I find myself getting increasingly agitated whenever I have to travel back & forth from room to room more than once. I used to just kinda lolly-gag around for a while, "do-do-do-do-do!" and walk in circles going from A to B and not really care. Now I find myself thinking "okay, I can carry all this to the kitchen, then I'll grab my glass with ice on the way back...", mentally tracking things along the route I may need, and then get all the way back to my room and BLAMMO! forgot the fucking paper I wanted. I think I actually heard myself growl in anger a few minutes ago when this happened. I can already tell that unless it's so far into the future that women's anatomy changes I'll one day be bitching "oh for fuck's sake I was just DOWN there!!!!"

Christ. Gettin old.


Will said...
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Will said...


Xmastime said...


and i need a year.

Nerdhappy said...

Shot in the dark here:

UVA, 1996-1997


Xmastime said...

nyet!! good lord, nyet! :)