Sunday, March 08, 2009

Oh Oh...Newt Fucked Up

One job that seems to be recession-proof is the guy that crafts the apology whenever some pussy Republican dares to diss Rush Limburgerwithcheeseandthendeepfrythewholethuingandthenwrapitupinmybatteredmantittiesandilleatitwithastraw. Looks like he'll be working tonite for Newt...will be interesting to see if Newt grovels for forgiveness on FOX, or will have the beef curtains to appear on Rush's show and squeeze out a few tears of apology for criticizing His Titness. Good luck, Neutered Newt!


Kiko Jones said...

It's a smart move on Newt's part: he knows he has to appeal to moderates and independents. Distancing himself from Limbaugh is a step in that direction.

Nerdhappy said...

Gingrich is posturing for 2012.