Saturday, March 21, 2009

Palin's Going Broke, and a Cookie Jar

My Snatch of the Northern Lights apparently is in some legal trouble, or going bankrupt, or whatthefuckever. Whether or not she's guilty of anything I don't know, I doubt most of it, but the line that gets my attention is
"I felt it would not be fair to Alaskans to sacrifice public monies to defend against something that was so politically charged."

Really? I would think that you would use public money BECAUSE something was so "politically charged", no? As in if you really believe something is a trumped-up charge by people that were elected to public office by the tax-paying public and is for political reasons, then you should be able to say to the public "look at what these people are spending your money on," and let the public adjust their voting choices thusly, or at least raise hell on the people trumping up charges. I'd make it clear I'm not cashing out my kids' college funds just because some douchebag YOU ELECTED wants to make up shit to get his hands in the cookie jar ("cookie jar" in this instance being political power, not her sweet, sweet lady parts...which I guess would be more of a "honeypot" than "cookie jar", no? yes? maybe?)

Anyways. Very strange.

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