Friday, March 20, 2009

Special Olympics

Obama's comments re: the Special Olympics last night were unfortunate, but it prolly boils down to if you like him you let it go, and if you don't you spend all day screaming on talk radio about how it prolly means Obama is Satan. Oh well.

But I'm getting irked when people screech "What if Bush had said that? The liberals would be going CRAZY!!!" etc etc. Which I completely disagree with - wouldn't Bush saying something derogatory about the Special Olympics be like when black people use the n-word with each other? I mean, wouldn't Bush be allowed?

HIYOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Boiiiinnnnnng!! ZZZZZZZZZZingah!!! Friday night, I cook on Friday nights!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Forgive the man for being careless with his words. He's only human anyway. Other presidents have done worse things.

Anonymous said...

I can only think - who can we use as a incompetent comparative these days? They won't let us say "as a drunken injun," "as a pollock" or probably even "as a little schoolgirl." What's left? With what mildly offensive, but universally recognized vernacular will we be allowed to color our language?