Thursday, March 05, 2009

Thank You For Keeping Us In Line

I just saw this headline, and my first thought was indignation - hold up, aren't these the motherfuckers we just gave $700B to, thanks to their complete incompetence and corruption leading to the financial equivalent of shitting the bed? And now THEY'RE looking askance? REally???

Then I remembered whoa, whoa, calm down bro...that was all the way back in October. Of course 5 months later these complete jagoffs have every right to be wondering about someone else's ability to do their job. Five months is a loooooooooooong time, right? Hell, back in October Sarah Palin wasn't a grandma yet, Sully was just another hard-working pilot whose claim to fame was vaguely resembling Bill the Cat, and Chris Brown was a "good kid." Hey, shit changes. October was October - and now it's Wall Streets turn to say "hey, you guys better get your shit together."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying is "Wall Street not bought off by Obama."