Friday, March 06, 2009

What the Fuck?

I've spent the last 5 hours thinking that Audrina below was waving a pair of her drawers in the air. Like "hey, why don't I chew on these while you bang the shit out of my in front of a local award-winning Cub Scouts pack?" But I just realized it's a shoe. A shoe? What the fuck is she waving a goddam shoe around for? "Oh, I found it! Lookit me, I found my shoe! Yaaaaaaaay, now I'm one more step to getting dressed and getting out of here; these Cub Scouts are creeping me out!!!"

Grrrr. Life, eh? You're up, you're down, the Scouts are still the baddest mofos in town. Shit never changes.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

The optimist sees that the shoe is the last boring article she has left in a game of strip poker.