Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why Live in the Real World When You Can Fight Battles That Don't Exist?

The hilarity of Bachmann et al fighting for a bill to defeat a global currency that doesn't exist remind me of what I said before about the Freedom of Choice Act and Fairness Doctrine windmills they charged so hard after.

Last year, after spending almost $16M and 8 months crusading against a bill being pushed by Congress to allow retired squirrels to do people's taxes, I was quite embarrassed to find out that there was no such bill being bandied about after all. So if the Catholic Church needs some empathy after being told that the FOCA bill does not actually exist, they know who to call. Me, Mr. Red-in-the-Face.

I think Democrats pushing for the Fairness Doctrine is pretty asinine. I do, however, think the Republicans should be pushing for it. As in “if we hafta be embarrassed every day by jagoff blowhards who end up being the leaders of our party simply because they’re loud and dumb enough, then you hafta do the same.”

1 comment:

Joe McCaffrey said...

The Republicans need a Fairness Doctrine of their own more than they realize. If the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Beck continue to represent themselves as being the intellectual soul of the Republican party, most moderate and thoughtful Republicans are going to find out that their party has been stolen from them. Maybe the Republicans need a "Republican Fairness Doctrine" to apply only within the Republican party to keep these right wing, blathering nuts from imposing their will on the majority of Republicans. Once responsible Republicans regain control of their party from the ideological fringe, we might find that a fairness doctrine is not needed.