Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baffling is a Cool Word

Every Republican I know rolls his eyes and sighs heavily as they implore me to "move on!" re: Bush aka Dubyanutz. Then they follow that with the claim that THEY ALSO didn't like Bush - they didn't like his liberal spending, and they also didn't care for his hyper-conservative social policies. The number of these people is in inverse proportion to the number of people that claim to have been there when Wilt scored 100, even though the stands were empty. It makes one wonder how he even got elected. Twice. But what's baffling is the one thing Republicans have chosen to circle the wagons on is torture. Of all things, torture is that the one thing from Bush they've all decided to lunge at and cling to with both hands, not letting go. Fascinating.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to implore you to move on because your responses are utterly predictable and, therefore, utterly boring (the flip side of the predictable right-wing windbags).

The Gnat said...

You do sound like a human liberal talking point. But I like how politicians think that if you keep saying it, it becomes true. The Torture (which was no worse than fraternity hazing AND it worked), the Mission Not Accomplished (uhh we won the war, why do we need to utterly rebuild a vanquished foe?), the Gore Won (sorry we had to let the Constitution stand in the way of that one), etc. etc. The same "Repetition is Truth" mantra puts Cheney and Rove on TV every night (which I know you hate) to pound their points in everyone's thick skulls. YORF

ope said...


Nerdhappy said...

The Gnat, I'm not exactly sure how to interpret your comment, because I'm absolutely fucking dumbfounded.

Are you saying that the torture that was condonded and implemented by the Bush Administration is equivalent to fraternity hazing?

Xmastime said...

I'm not really sure what your comment has to do with the post. But hey, it's a free country, and I get paid by the comment :)

And while I'm sure your hazing/torture connection is a bit tongue in cheek, it's kind of beyond absurd. As in if the techniques were only as harsh as fraternity hazing, how could they possibly have worked? "one more cream pie in my face, I'm fucking telling everything." I would think claiming that the techniques were soft and cuddly flies in the face of claiming they could possibly work. I also doubt that at any time a detainee was thinking "just hang in there and take the shit, and within a few weeks I'll be hanging out having beers with these guys circle-jerking to the Heather Thomas poster." WHICH I was looking at today online, btw.

Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure it was your BFF Bush who chose to "rebuild a vanquished foe" so that they can finally have Jesus, Burger Chef and democracy. In that order, if I recall from the meetings I attended in the Oval.

The Gnat said...

The post was about euphemisms and LibSpeak as much as anything. But making people get naked, having dogs bark at them, putting hoods on their heads even the spooky waterboarding practice vs. slowly decapitating someone with a pen knife on Youtube. Where would you want to be a prisoner? Gitmo sounds fun to me.

The bad guys gave up the info and lives were saved. Not a bad result.

And I hate rebuilding the losers- you lost the war, Im gonna let you suffer.

Xmastime said...

On it's own merits your statement re: rebuilding may hold water; but youve chosen the wrong "war" to attach it to. this wasnt a case of two countries going after each others throats, and after a great and destructive war ended we looked around and said "well, we should clean this up for them" cause we felt bad for them. i dont think it's out of bounds to say the whole thing came about BECAUSE of the rebuilding - get the oil, make other oil countries hafta play nice with us, spread democracy burger chief and jesus along the way. oh yeah, and if I can happen to get rich as shit doing the rebuilding, thats nice too. can you even remember a time when you DIDN'T know what "Halliburton" was? the rebuilding people were there before the tanks.