Monday, April 20, 2009

Black Study

I don't know why we're supposed to be surprised about some study saying that Black Immigrants are outperforming American blacks. We're talking about a group of people that had the brains and gumption to transplant themselves into an different country than the one they were born in and comparing them to a group of people merely for existing. I would imagine that if an inverse study was done, American blacks who moved to different countries would outperform those countries' native black people as well.

To me it's like comparing the 8th grader taking Trig to the 12th grader in the same class; I would assume the 8th grader would outperform the senior since to even get into the class would take some effort, and the 8th grader would have to be on a certain level of intelligence to be allowed in the class, unlike the senior who's taking it cause he's been in high school for a long time and Trig just happened to be the next math class in line.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Hasnt it been common knowledge for some time that purple immigrants do better than purple americans, and blue immigrants do better than blue americans, etc?

If someone moves from a land of poverty to an abundant land of opportunity, you better believe they're gonna rise up. They've seen the alternative and the consequences of failure.