Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Georgie Girl

I know if you're a baseball purist it's more romantic, and maybe it would be if I was in the woods somewhere; but listening to Yankee games on the radio instead of watching on tv is frustrating. The YES guys are former ballplayers, including pitchers and catchers; all of whom rarely go more than a coupla innings without either pointing out some fascinating insight I've never heard before, or recounting a story from the old days that is great. Who do we have on the radio? A blind guy, and an old woman who was on Broadway. WTF? Hundreds of ex-Yankees, this is what we get? How did she even GET the job - she spent decades not on teams traveling across the country playing thousands of games, but rather singing and pretending to be other people? Really?

I'm not even saying the two of them are bad at what they do; I don't really know. But when you know what you're missing with the tv guys, it makes you wanna bang your fucking head against the wall.

Though it does make me think of Costanza, which always cheers me up

(side note: note the Constanzian prescience - blaming unions while in a crappy market!!)

JERRY: So, what are you gonna do now? Are you gonna look for something else in real estate?
GEORGE: Nobody's hiring now. The market's terrible.
JERRY: So what are you gonna do?
GEORGE: I like sports. I could do something in sports.
JERRY: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. In what capacity?
GEORGE: You know, like the general manager of a baseball team or something.
JERRY: Yeah. Well, that - that could be tough to get.
GEORGE: Well, it doesn't even have to be the general manager. Maybe I could be like, an announcer. Like a color man. You know how I always make those interesting comments during the game.
JERRY: Yeah. Yeah. You make good comments.
GEORGE: What about that?
JERRY: Well, they tend to give those jobs to ex-ballplayers and people that are, you know, in broadcasting.
GEORGE: Well, that's really not fair.
JERRY: I know. Well, okay. Okay. What else do ya like?
GEORGE: Movies. I like to watch movies.
JERRY: Yeah. Yeah.
GEORGE: Do they pay people to watch movies?
JERRY: Projectionists.
GEORGE: That's true.
JERRY: But you gotta know how to work the projector.
GEORGE: Right.
JERRY: And it's probably a union thing.
GEORGE: [scoffs] Those unions.


Nerdhappy said...

Dude, when John Sterling and Micheal Kay did the games it was gold.

Listening to Suzyn Waldman is a fekkin nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Suzyn is unbearable but I have to say I kind of enjoy Sterling; there's a rhythm to his delivery that's a match for a summer night. It's almost as if he's singing.

The fact that Sterling's a complete homer for the Yankees and a total idiot at the same time is also pleasing to me, since I listen to Yankees games rooting for them to lose.