Thursday, April 09, 2009

Government Service

Someone like Sean Hannity would see THIS ARTICLE and scream for hours "see, the government can't do anything!!!" Whereas I see it and say boy, the government really let these people down, what fuckers. And then I would hope that their work will have embarrassed the government to hasten their aid, and when they did I would hope the people demanded they fix this road, and that road, and open 6 libraries etc etc. The current rigeuor de jour of the right to elect as many absolute buffoons as possible into office and then sit back and watch as nothing gets done while pretending to be outraged is the exact opposite of my own: put as talented a collection of people in government as possible and then demand they absolutely bust their asses. DEMAND service at all times.

It's funny how a Republican will vote in as many complete retards as possible to oversee how their taxes are spent and let incompetence reign; meanwhile if Channel 33 comes in fuzzy you're for damn sure they're on the phone to the cable company screaming that for $39.99/month they DEMAND service.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I COMPLETELY agree with you on this one, but I'd like to add that if this had happened during a GOP administration, the Manatee would've spun it as "a great example of Americans lifting themselves up by their own bootstraps" or whatever other tired-ass cliché they use in these cases.

I am so tired of that motherfucking clown...