Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hey, Bush Loves Baseball

During baseball practice in high school, most of our time was spent clumped together in the outfield clowning around during batting practice, and in between pitches coach would fungo balls to everybody. Over time you learned that if you looked like you were paying attention and were ready for a fly ball, Coach wouldn't hit one your way; ergo the trick was to look as unready as possible - back turned, laughing, plucking grass, whatever. THEN Coach would send one your way.

Which is what came to my mind this week whenever I've come across absurd shit like this:
Is Obama rushing another attack? ... That’s the working M.O. of this administration: no matter what we do, we’re going to eventually get hit again. ...So if the working theory is that we’re going to get hit again, what is the best response? After all, the public does credit George Bush with keeping us safe at 9/11.

The best strategy would look something like taking a band-aid off quickly. Get the pain over fast. And if an attack happens quickly enough into the new administration, they can blame Bush.

So the Obama administration is working hard to release all the memos on interrogations, change all the policies Bush implemented, and clear out the old as fast as possible. Never mind that if it were done slowly over time, our terrorist enemies might not be so incited to attack.

If your working premise is that they are going to attack anyway, get them incited quickly, get it over with, and blame Bush.

Only a group of people dumb enough to base Bush's legacy on "He kept America safe from terrorist attack except for 9/11!!" would even be able to dream up politicized cynicism like this. Hey, thousands of people have died of cancer since Obama took office, and I don't see him blaming Bush for not curing cancer. Bush: soft on abnormalities in the genetic material of transformed cells?

9/11 happened on Bush's watch, so despite their crybaby claims that it was all Clinton's fault, it will be forever tied around Bush's neck. And if we are attacked while Obama is president then yes, he will get the shit for it; it happened on his watch. It's not that complicated. This isn't Algebra II.

Though I would ask the Republicans to at least hide their fevered, gleeful expectations for that glorious moment when thousands are people are killed, therein meaning Bush is only TIED for the "Worst President Ever Against Terrorist Attack" title.

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