Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Done

9 hours ago I was in the middle of a huge meadow of rolling grass, in the midst of some local horse race fanfare. Apparently in Brothatime!!!'s neck of the woods, almost every week there's a horse race in his backyard. It was amazing; hanging out with Paddy Mac as horses go thundering by. Next time, we're bringing a table full of bloody marys with us. Was fucking awesome.

Then Brothatime!!! got denied a tollbooth for having NO FUNDS on his EZ PASS, at which point I was gleeful "Can this day GET any better??????"

Then I got on the bus.

All I'm saying is, I cannot live with the humans anymore. Sorry, can't do it. I'm missing something; right now I wanna explode the fucking universe. I need to figger out a way to live in a cave in a mountain on Mars. I will allow contact with Paddy Mac, Big Bear, Short Bus and Husky, but that's it. Can't take it anymore. I'll always remember something a teacher once said about people: they're only human. (and I wanna kill them all.)

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