Thursday, April 09, 2009

Oh Captain My Captain!

One thing funny about the whole pirate ship thing, other than the being called "pirates," is that for a few days, the only picture they could find of the captain was one from 1979. "Congratulations, nobody's given enough of a shit about you in the last 30 years to take a picture." I mean, how close were they to throwing up a picture of Bigfoot instead? "Fuck it, at least that would be in color...epaulets and a 'stash? What is this, the USS Ron Jeremy??!!"?


The Gnat said...

I am thinking our old EHS friend, Wes Mundie. I think Wes would have kicked some Somali butt by now.

Xmastime said...

if Wes and Tommy Waters had a kid who liked boats ;)

The Gnat said...

Don't hate on Tommy, you just don't understand him like Brianna and that Dennis kid do. He is available for friending on Facebook though. Ask Ryan.