Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh Oh.

As everybody knows, Arlen Spector switched parties today - the first time a Senator has done so since that dude from Vermont in 2001. Without pausing to wonder how of all states Vermont could've had a Republican Senator as late as 2001, I just heard on the radio that Penn & Teller are doing an east coast show for the first time since...2001.

Anybody remember what happened in 2001? Anybody? Big, far-out guess on an Earth-changing event? here?

That's right - I fell in love. Head over heals, crazy-in-love, which of course led to utter disaster & heartbreak; albeit also the greatest mix-tape of all time.

Also, I remember a bump in shark attacks that summer, which led to my "Shark riffs" of that year. Must say. Looking forward to this summer!

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