Saturday, April 04, 2009

Ryan Moats

I think an indication of where we are as a society might be that a few days ago when I was hearing a report on the Ryan Moats Dallas police story, the thing that surprised me the most about the whole thing was how easily he accepted the apology. It seems to me we've become incapable of accepting an apology and letting people serve their punishment and move on - a good example is of course Michael Vick. Him serving a couple of years in prison and losing tens of millions of dollars as well as years in a career that is limited in length is not enough for us; we won't be happy until he has lost everything and is COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOREVER. So it's probably not a good thing that I raised an eyebrow in surprise when I heard that Moats WASN'T going to sue the city for $500M or insist on the police officer being fired while having his nuts gnawed on by squirrels.

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