Monday, April 27, 2009

Sex Timing and Cougars

Another way in which I've been extremely lucky is that my coming of age as a libidinous man was tucked perfectly between the years of the free love and fucking of the 70s/early 80s and the present day when girls give out blowjobs at 13 and don't count anal as "sex." God was thoughtful enough to invents AIDS just as I was moving on from Voltron to vulva. Fucking hell.

And, just to make sure I can't even look forward to the as-old-as-Adam rite of scoring a hot young trophy minx as I grew into a distinguished older man, the nexus of my passage from "young man" to "middle aged man" is crossing perfectly with women deciding they wanna fuck dudes half their age. What the fuck. I cannot win. If my dick grew another foot long, female biology would immediately make it so that only fingerprints can give women orgasms. Sigh.

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