Friday, April 24, 2009

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Ah yes, those scrappy Democrats.
Greg Sargent reports that centrist Democrat Sen. Ben Nelson (NE) -- who voted to confirm both Sam Alito and John Roberts -- will oppose Dawn Johnsen's nomination to lead the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel...Nelson is buying into the right-wing's war against Johnsen. Outspoken anti-choice Republican Rep. Chris Smith (NJ) said Johnsen has a "a prejudice against motherhood, the family and a fundamental respect for all human life." The National Review's Andy McCarthy claimed she would be a "culture-war agitator." Republicans have threatened a filibuster against her.

Seriously, how long until the Democrats figure out a way to have John McCain declared the winner of the last election?

Also, I just heard about a guy running for dogcatcher of Twinkass, South Dakota that believes in global warming - can the GOP stall Congress for a coupla weeks filibustering this asshole?

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