Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tonight They Wanna Party Like it's 1955

Just now on the radio Joe Scarborough read a coupla polls, and one said that 60% of Americans consider themselves liberal. To which Joe quickly said "well that's not true, we're a conservative country." Which of course begs the question why even read a poll if you're just gonna decide what you're gonna decide to be true. Like if after the election someone said "well, a lot more people voted for Obama, but that's not right cause more people want McCain" and declared McCain the winner. Whack.

Last November I wrote HERE
But I don't know what the right is so scared of - in 2008, are things like wanting to (to quote the TP joint) expand environmental protections, increase the minimum wage, recognize same-sex marriage, and end the Iraq war really that "radical" anymore? Right now these things are maybe progressive and left-leaning, but hardly "radical", no?
One thing "Conservatives" might wanna think of doing is moving the goalposts on what they deem to be "liberal" (Republicanese of course for "radical.) It's not 1955 anymore, thinking that marijuana should be legal or gays can get married or everyone should have healthcare are not things that get you put in the loony bin anymore. Most people are not necessarily cheerleading to go back to the Stone Age and would prefer cautious progressivism. As a matter of fact, I would think most people would consider wanting to live as if it's 1955 to be a lot more "radical" than wanting to live like it's 2010.

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