Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Voters Access

One interesting thing about the internet is how it might affect an election purely on how easy it is to access and catalog what a politician has said or done on a daily basis. For centuries, people mostly had a kind of vague notion of what a Congressman said at any time; even up until ten years ago if somebody said something asinine it MIGHT make it to the bottom of page 34 of the WSJ. So congressmen would get voted in over and over to a large degree by people thinking "well, I've heard of him, he's already there, good enough for me." But today, all you need to do is be able to read and stare at a computer screen to get a daily account of what everybody's saying and thinking.

Obviously, I'm think of someone like Michelle Bachmann. I won't be able to get through typing this post without news popping up online of her saying something completely retarded. Are Minnesotans come election time gonna decide you know what, this is embarrassing, she's a fucking idiot we hafta get somebody else? Or is it gonna be like the days of when nobody would even hear what she's blathering and vote via the ol' "fuck it, who cares" policy? If a complete buffoon is an idiot in a forest, does anybody know it? Hmm.

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