Friday, April 03, 2009

"We've Got a Campaign of Our Own to Stamp Out Detroit."

While I was out of action, I see that Obama and his buddies seized control of of the auto industry. Hmm. That can't be, I thought, that would play right into the hands of the fuckers on the right screaming "Socialism!! He's a socialist!!!" etc. And now it looks like despite these efforts the GM & Chrysler might go bankrupt anyway. And all this was happening around the time Obama was prancing around Buckingham Palace with his new best friends - and now it's fucking dawned on me that not only is Obama hurtling us into the throes of Socialism with his Brit-fag buddies, but that the seeds for taking over the auto industry and bringing the Motor City to it's knees WERE FIRST LAID OUT BY HIS FELLOW SOCIALIST PIGS 45 YEARS AGO!!!!!:

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