Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yankee Stadium

Heeeeey, looks like I'll be going to Yankee games this year after all!
Faced with empty premium seats, the Yankees slashed top ticket prices up to 50% Tuesday in a desperate attempt to fill the front rows of their new $1.5 billion stadium.

Embarrassed that fans and the media made much ado about the backdrop of vacant field-side seats in the team's first homestand, Bronx Bomber big shots reduced top-tier ducats by up to $1,250.

I'm glad the Yankees are taking things in the right direction. But I honestly doubt anyone who can afford $1250 to sit in a chair for three hours couldn't already afford $2,500. We're not talking about people scrimping. Oh well, we'll see. Meanwhile, here's a picture of Weng throwing his patented 6-run double to a batter. Sweet.


Nerdhappy said...

LOL: 6 run double!

Nerdhappy said...

The lack of fans is obviously related to this.[requires facebook login]