Wednesday, April 15, 2009

YES!! YES!! DO IT!!!

The governor of Texas, who is obviously a classy guy since he's speaking at one of the "Tea Parties" that are hell-bent on breaking the record for racist hand-held signs, is threatening that Texas might hafta secede.

This reminds me of my "computer class" in the 9th grade (first detailed HERE.) We had a guy, Tommy Waters, who was a bit of a "diva." He was always bitching and fussing and throwing a hissy fit about this or that; one day he started bitching to Mr. Whitaker that he had had it with this learn-nothing class, and he was gonna storm into the principal's office and demand to be removed from the class. To which Mr. Whitaker simply looked at him, shook his head, said "promises, promises" and went on with what he was doing (probably nothing.)

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