Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Armed-Dog Robbery

In honor of Cinco de Mayo and because I've gone almost all day without being a racist, I feel I should bring up the Victoria Jackson gun-waving incident so that I can make the remark "a latino woman 6 feet tall? Really?"
An hour later, Victoria called the maid on the cell phone, demanding the return of the dog. A short time later, the large maid (6 feet tall, 160ish) returned "dragging Principal's dog into the kitchen on such a taunt [sic] leash that the dog's front paws were lifted off the ground and so roughly that the dog was coughing and wheezing and its eyes bulging."

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I'd like to see a picture of that maid: 6'0", 160 lbs? Could be hot...