Friday, May 01, 2009

Biden II

THEORETICALLY, Joe Biden was not wrong when he said the best way to not get the flu is to avoid groups of people, as illustrated by a small town who barricaded itself against the Spanish Flu in 1918:
Markel describes a dramatic example in the mining town of Gunnison, Colorado. In 1918, town leaders built a veritable barricade, closing down the railroad station and blocking all roads into town. Four thousand townspeople lived on stockpiled supplies and food from hunting or fishing. For 3½ months, while influenza raged in nearly every city in America, Gunnison saw not a single case of flu -- not until the spring, when roads were reopened and a handful of residents fell sick.

Of course while technically correct he was still stupid and irresponsible; the Vice President of the United States should be aware both of what a panic-happy crowd we Americans are, and that Swine Flu is to the Spanish Flu what passing a girl a "DO YOU LIKE ME CIRCLE ONE YES NO MAYBE" note in class is to bukkakke Girl Scout date rape. Just saying.

Hey, how many hits do you think I'll get from people Googling "bukkakke Girl Scout date rape"? Hmm.

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