Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blog Role

"For shame - do I need to quit my job and start my own blog?" - The Gnat

With that comment in response to THIS POST, The Gnat actually hit upon something I've been meaning to say for a while:

He's gay.

HIYOOOOO!!!! No no, I'm kidding.

Before the internet and blogs, if you didn't like a tv show, or radio channel, the flip response was "if you don't like it, change the channel!" And you could either turn the channel or turn it off; but that was about it. You couldn't really decide "dammit, Hardcastle should be the goofball, McCormick the tough-ass!!!!" and make a television program out of it that people could actually watch. But with a blog, YOU CAN. If you don't like what a blogger is writing then sure, you can just choose to never go to his/her site again. But you could also decide you wanted your own blog wherein you could make your own points that maybe run counter to the blog you dislike. Or hell, you can create a blog that simply says "XMASTIME LOVES THE TERRORISTS, DO NOT GO TO HIS SITE!!" every 30 minutes. Either way, it's yet another way the blogworld opens itself to anybody and everything.

Even if we still gotta come up with a cooler name than "blog." Ugh.


The Gnat said...

"He's gay" The Gnat? Methinks me unattached unsuccesful masturbatory Brooklynite friend doth project too much.

Xmastime said...

are you saying i cant even masturbate right?????!!! ;)

The Gnat said...

Thank god, no personal knowledge of that.