Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cheney II

Ta-Nehisi Coates kinda tongue-in-cheekly suggests Cheney popping up on any camera that will have him is in a bid for the presidency. Which is unlikely due to his 1) health 2) having lower poll numbers than ball cancer. But there has to be a reason he's doing all this right now, and as I mentioned yesterday HERE, I doubt it's because of his selfless desire to help out the party or country he almost single-handedly drove into the ground. And it can't be for the money; if there's one company that's done well over the last decade it's Halliburton. Yes, I know he "recused himself from the company." Hmm.

He's gunning for something - can't we just put the mf on Dancing with the Stars and be done with it already? Hey, let's face it - THE DUDE CAN DANCE!!!

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