Monday, May 04, 2009

Cherry Pickin'

I've wondered before on Xmastime how people can swear that the government can't do anything right ("the government can't deliver the mail!") and should stay out of our lives, not to be trusted with anything - except of course when it comes to our physical safety as a nation vis-a-vis loading 18 year-old high school graduates up with guns and sending them around the globe to fight professional killers for our own protection. THAT these people have no trouble putting their blind faith (and dollar$) into.

Which is the same thing I wonder about now re: the same people not trusting a word the government says about ANYTHING ("awww, they're all liars!!")...except of course when they tell us that some foreign dictator is an evil madman hell-bent on destroying us. THAT they believe without question and allow politicians to act thusly. They'll go crazy that some politician is lying if he wants to, say, raise a toll on the local parkway to make repairs. But they don't question it at all if he rants about someone halfway around the world, whom he nor anyone else anybody knows or has met, is a madman desperate to blow up the planet. On that subject, I guess politicans are incapable of lying through their teeth like they do with everything else, and should be completely trusted with our money and votes no matter what.


Anonymous said...

have i ever told you the one about the bus load of politicians? yeah they were driving to some convention and the bus driver took some back roads. suddenly there's a cow in the road and the driver has to swerve to avoid a collision. He smashes into a tree. The farmer comes upon the scene and feeling bad about his cow causing all of this trouble decides he should bury the dead. As he's finishing up, a police car pulls up. The officer asks what had happened.

"Well officer, there's was this busload of politicians...
...and I thought it best to bury the dead."

" Are you SURE they were all dead?"

" Well... some of them told me they weren't dead, but you know how politicians lie."

Gina said...
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Gina said...
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Gina said...

I see you're on a tear here and you have made some valid points. We tend to pick sides and feel as if we have to support our guy, when in fact the best thing to do is consider each decision separately.

Beware the madmen of the world, Xmas. The threat is real. Madmen from halfway around the world in less powerful positions than Saddam do want to kill Americans. Consider 9/11 and don't be naiive to think that powerful dictators wouldn't want to see us fall. Please, the guys manning flight 973 almost succeeded, and never forget(NF)what they DID succeed in doing.

Yes in many ways government is way the hell over involved in our lives, but trying to protect our country from the very real threat of terroristic attacks is not one of them. Also remember the level of panic and paranoia which led many a homedepot to sell out of duct tape and plastic...we were all fffffreaked out. Not that going to WAR was the answer, specially in hineysight. We will never know what some of those evildoers WOULD have done, bless God.

tear me off some duct tape, will ya?